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The Elegant Foundation: Plonkish Arithmetization

/ 12 min read


One of the biggest drivers of the current ZK revolution is the evolution of arithmetization and constraint systems. This evolution enables more complex computation to be encoded in zero-knowledge. Over the past decade, almost every major leap forward in ZK is directly tracable to advances in arithmetization. One of the biggest jumps forward came from the introduction of the Plonk proof system in 2018, which introduced many novel techniques for build highly efficient ad scalable zkSNARKS. Plonk is the backbone for many modern protocols, specifically for our use case Mina.


1. PLONK-Specific Gate and Constraint Mechanisms

Plonkish arithmetization introduces a significant advancement in representing computational circuits for zero-knowledge proofs. Unlike R1CS, which relies on fixed constraint types, PLONK uses selector polynomials to define customizable gates, providing a flexible and efficient way to encode complex operations tailored to specific computational needs.

Key features of Plonkish arithmetization include:

  • Generalized and Flexible Constraint System: By utilizing selector polynomials, PLONK allows for the creation of customizable gates, enabling a unified approach to representing arbitrary computational circuits within a single, coherent framework.

  • Scalability and Efficiency: Transforming computational constraints into polynomial equations over the Lagrange basis and using the vanishing polynomial ZH(X)Z_H(X) leverages efficient algebraic operations and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), enhancing scalability.

  • Succinctness and Universality: PLONK enables the creation of succinct proofs that are independent of circuit size through polynomial commitment schemes and permutation arguments.

General Form

Given two integers {m,n}F \{m,n \} \in F, we denote the number of wires with mm and the number of gates with nn. We define the constraint system as C:=(V,Q)C := (V, Q).

  • V=(wR,wL,wO)V = (w_R,w_L,w_O) where wR,wL,wO[m]nw_R,w_L,w_O \in [m]^n are the left, right and output sequences.
  • Q=(qL,qR,qO,qM,qC)FnQ = (q_L, q_R, q_O, q_M, q_C) \in F^n where each qiq_i can be thought of a selector vector.

A given witness value xFmx \in F^m satisfies CC if the following equation holds true:

qMwLwR+qLwL+qRwR+qOwO+qC=0q_M \cdot w_L \cdot w_R + q_L \cdot w_L + q_R \cdot w_R + q_O \cdot w_O + q_C = 0

When we instantiate this system for the nn-gate:

  • Addition Gates: If the nnth gate is an addition gate we set the following (qL)i=1(q_L)_i = 1, (qR)i=1(q_R)_i = 1, (qM)i=O(q_M)_i = O, and (qO)i=1(q_O)_i = -1.

  • Multiplication Gates: And for multiplication we set the following (qL)i=0(q_L)_i = 0, (qR)i=0(q_R)_i = 0, (qM)i=1(q_M)_i = 1, and (qO)i=1(q_O)_i = -1

  • And we always set (qC)i=0(q_C)_i = 0

The selector vectors can be confusing the first time you see them, especially if you are coming from pure R1CS. However, they are actually really simple. Just remember that there main function is to enable gates to containt either addition or multiplication. Which makes the entire protocol much more flexible.

2. Plonkish Arithmetization

Selector Vectors and Gate Equations

PLONK uses selector vectors to define gates in the arithmetic circuit:

  • Q=(qL,qR,qO,qM,qC)(Fn)5Q = (q_L, q_R, q_O, q_M, q_C) \in (\mathbb{F}^n)^5

Each qiq_i is a vector of length nn over a finite field F\mathbb{F}, representing the selectors for the left input, right input, output, multiplication term, and constant term, respectively.

The general gate equation is:

qMwLwR+qLwL+qRwR+qOwO+qC=0q_M \cdot w_L \cdot w_R + q_L \cdot w_L + q_R \cdot w_R + q_O \cdot w_O + q_C = 0
  • wL,wR,wOw_L, w_R, w_O are the witness values (assignments) for the left input, right input, and output wires.
  • The selectors qL,qR,qO,qM,qCq_L, q_R, q_O, q_M, q_C determine the operation performed by the gate.

Polynomial Formulation Using Lagrange Basis

To enable efficient computation and proof generation, vectors and operations are represented as polynomials over a finite field.

The Lagrange basis is a set of polynomials used for interpolating a polynomial given its values at distinct points. Given nn distinct points {x0,x1,,xn1}\{x_0, x_1, \dots, x_{n-1}\} in a field F\mathbb{F}, the Lagrange basis polynomials {L0(x),L1(x),,Ln1(x)}\{L_0(x), L_1(x), \dots, L_{n-1}(x)\} are constructed such that each Li(x)L_i(x) satisfies Li(xj)=δijL_i(x_j) = \delta_{ij}, where δij\delta_{ij} is the Kronecker delta function.

Definition and Properties

Each lagrange basis polynomial is defined as:

li(x)=0j<njixxjxixjl_i(x) = \prod_{\substack{0 \leq j < n \\ j \neq i}} \frac{x - x_j}{x_i - x_j}

Interpolating Vectors into Polynomials

Given a vector w=(w0,w1,,wn1)w = (w_0, w_1, \dots, w_{n-1}), we interpolate it into a polynomial w(X)w(X) using the Lagrange basis:

w(X)=i=0n1wiLi(X)w(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} w_i \cdot L_i(X)

Leveraging the Vanishing Polynomial

The vanishing polynomial over HH is defined as:

ZH(X)=i=0n1(Xxi)Z_H(X) = \prod_{i=0}^{n-1} (X - x_i)

This polynomial satisfies ZH(xi)=0Z_H(x_i) = 0 for all xiHx_i \in H. When we perform polynomial arithmetic modulo ZH(X)Z_H(X), we are essentially working within the space of polynomials that agree on the evaluations over HH. This modulus ensures that any polynomial Q(X)Q(X) equivalent to P(X)P(X) modulo ZH(X)Z_H(X) will satisfy Q(xi)=P(xi)=wiQ(x_i) = P(x_i) = w_i.

Gate Equation in Polynomial Form

By interpolating the selector vectors and witness vectors into polynomials, the gate equation becomes:

qM(X)wL(X)wR(X)+qL(X)wL(X)+qR(X)wR(X)+qO(X)wO(X)+qC(X)0modZH(X)q_M(X) \cdot w_L(X) \cdot w_R(X) + q_L(X) \cdot w_L(X) + q_R(X) \cdot w_R(X) + q_O(X) \cdot w_O(X) + q_C(X) \equiv 0 \mod Z_H(X)

This congruence ensures that the polynomial equation holds at all points in HH.

3. Interpolation of Rows and Columns in PLONK


Mapping Rows to the Evaluation Domain

In the PLONK protocol, the arithmetic circuit is represented in a tabular form, where each row corresponds to a gate, and the columns represent different wires (inputs and outputs) and selector values (which define the gate operations). To efficiently work with this tabular representation in the polynomial domain, we associate each row with a unique element from a finite field, forming the evaluation domain.


  • nn be the number of gates (rows) in the circuit.
  • ω\omega be a primitive nn-th root of unity in the finite field F\mathbb{F}.
  • The set H={ω0,ω1,,ωn1}H = \{\omega^0, \omega^1, \dots, \omega^{n-1}\} represents all the nn-th roots of unity, forming our evaluation domain.

Each row i{0,1,,n1}i \in \{0, 1, \dots, n-1\} is associated with the point X=ωiX = \omega^i in HH. This mapping ensures that every row corresponds to a unique point in the field, allowing us to interpolate the columns into polynomials over F\mathbb{F}.

Interpolating Columns into Polynomials

Each column in the circuit’s table contains values assigned to either the witness wires (wLw_L, wRw_R, wOw_O) or the selector values (qLq_L, qRq_R, qMq_M, qOq_O, qCq_C). To transform these discrete column values into polynomials, we perform Lagrange interpolation using the evaluation domain HH.

Constructing Evaluation Forms

For a given column cc, we create a set of pairs by zipping the evaluation domain HH with the column values:

zip(H,c)={(ω0,c0),(ω1,c1),,(ωn1,cn1)}\text{zip}(H, c) = \{ (\omega^0, c_0), (\omega^1, c_1), \dots, (\omega^{n-1}, c_{n-1}) \}

Here, cic_i is the value from column cc at row ii. This set represents the evaluation form of the polynomial we wish to construct.

Lagrange Interpolation

Using the evaluation form, we interpolate a polynomial c(X)c(X) such that:

c(ωi)=cifor all i{0,1,,n1}c(\omega^i) = c_i \quad \text{for all } i \in \{0, 1, \dots, n-1\}

This polynomial c(X)c(X) captures all the values in the column, mapped over the evaluation domain HH. Since the points in HH are roots of unity, and the number of points equals the degree of the polynomial, Lagrange interpolation guarantees a unique polynomial of degree less than nn that fits these points.

Connecting Rows, Columns, and Polynomials

Imagine the circuit’s table as follows:

  • Columns: Each vertical column is interpolated into a polynomial.
  • Rows: Each horizontal row corresponds to evaluations of these polynomials at X=ωiX = \omega^i.
Row iiwL,iw_{L,i}wR,iw_{R,i}wO,iw_{O,i}qL,iq_{L,i}qR,iq_{R,i}qM,iq_{M,i}qO,iq_{O,i}qC,iq_{C,i}

By associating each row with a unique point in HH and interpolating each column into a polynomial, we establish a direct correspondence between the circuit’s tabular representation and its polynomial form.

This connection allows us to:

  • Express Gate Constraints: The gate equations can be expressed as polynomial identities that must hold at all points in HH.
  • Apply the Permutation Argument: The permutation polynomials σL(X)\sigma_L(X), σR(X)\sigma_R(X), and σO(X)\sigma_O(X) map wire positions in the domain, enforcing copy constraints via polynomial relationships.
  • Utilize the Vanishing Polynomial: Working modulo the vanishing polynomial ZH(X)Z_H(X) ensures that polynomial equations are considered only at the points in HH, aligning with the circuit’s rows.

Mathematical Illustration

Lagrange Basis Polynomials

Recall that the Lagrange basis polynomials Li(X)L_i(X) are defined as:

Li(X)=0j<njiXωjωiωjL_i(X) = \prod_{\substack{0 \leq j < n \\ j \neq i}} \frac{X - \omega^j}{\omega^i - \omega^j}

These polynomials satisfy:

Li(ωj)=δijL_i(\omega^j) = \delta_{ij}

where δij\delta_{ij} is the Kronecker delta function.

Interpolating a Column

Given a column of values c=(c0,c1,,cn1)c = (c_0, c_1, \dots, c_{n-1}), we interpolate it into a polynomial c(X)c(X) using the Lagrange basis:

c(X)=i=0n1ciLi(X)c(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} c_i \cdot L_i(X)

This polynomial satisfies c(ωi)=cic(\omega^i) = c_i for all ii.

Example with Selector Polynomials

Suppose the selector polynomial qM(X)q_M(X) is associated with the multiplication operation in gates. Given selector values qM,0,qM,1,,qM,n1q_{M,0}, q_{M,1}, \dots, q_{M,n-1}, we interpolate:

qM(X)=i=0n1qM,iLi(X)q_M(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} q_{M,i} \cdot L_i(X)

This polynomial is then used in the gate equation:

qM(X)wL(X)wR(X)+0modZH(X)q_M(X) \cdot w_L(X) \cdot w_R(X) + \dots \equiv 0 \mod Z_H(X)

In PLONK arithmetization, each of the selector vectors q{}q_{\{\}} and witness vectors wL,wR,wOw_L, w_R, w_O is interpolated into its own polynomial. Thus, each column in the circuit’s tabular representation corresponds to a polynomial.


Columns as Polynomials

  • Selector Polynomials: Each selector vector qL,qR,qM,qO,qCq_L, q_R, q_M, q_O, q_C is interpolated into a selector polynomial qL(X),qR(X),qM(X),qO(X),qC(X)q_L(X), q_R(X), q_M(X), q_O(X), q_C(X).
  • Witness Polynomials: Similarly, the witness vectors wL,wR,wOw_L, w_R, w_O are interpolated into witness polynomials wL(X),wR(X),wO(X)w_L(X), w_R(X), w_O(X).

These polynomials are constructed so that at each point X=ωiX = \omega^i in the evaluation domain HH, the polynomial evaluates to the value in the corresponding row and column of the circuit:

qL(ωi)=qL,iqR(ωi)=qR,iqM(ωi)=qM,iwL(ωi)=wL,iwR(ωi)=wR,iwO(ωi)=wO,i\begin{align*} q_L(\omega^i) &= q_{L,i} \\ q_R(\omega^i) &= q_{R,i} \\ q_M(\omega^i) &= q_{M,i} \\ \vdots \\ w_L(\omega^i) &= w_{L,i} \\ w_R(\omega^i) &= w_{R,i} \\ w_O(\omega^i) &= w_{O,i} \end{align*}

Rows as Evaluation Points

Each row corresponds to an evaluation point X=ωiX = \omega^i in the domain HH:

  • Rows: Represent individual gates or constraints in the circuit.
  • Evaluation Points: The points ωi\omega^i at which the polynomials are evaluated to obtain the values for each row.

When you evaluate all the polynomials at a specific X=ωiX = \omega^i, you retrieve all the values (witnesses, selectors, etc.) for row ii of the circuit.

Putting It All Together

By mapping columns to polynomials and rows to evaluation points, we can:

  1. Express Gate Constraints: By evaluating the gate equations at each X=ωiX = \omega^i, we ensure that the constraints are satisfied at every gate (row) in the circuit.

    For example, the general gate equation in polynomial form is:

    qM(X)wL(X)wR(X)+qL(X)wL(X)+qR(X)wR(X)+qO(X)wO(X)+qC(X)0modZH(X)q_M(X) \cdot w_L(X) \cdot w_R(X) + q_L(X) \cdot w_L(X) + q_R(X) \cdot w_R(X) + q_O(X) \cdot w_O(X) + q_C(X) \equiv 0 \mod Z_H(X)

    At each point X=ωiX = \omega^i, this becomes:

    qM,iwL,iwR,i+qL,iwL,i+qR,iwR,i+qO,iwO,i+qC,i=0q_{M,i} \cdot w_{L,i} \cdot w_{R,i} + q_{L,i} \cdot w_{L,i} + q_{R,i} \cdot w_{R,i} + q_{O,i} \cdot w_{O,i} + q_{C,i} = 0

  2. Enforce Copy Constraints: Through the permutation argument, we ensure that variables shared across different rows have consistent values by comparing polynomial evaluations at specific points.

  3. Utilize Polynomial Identities: By working in the polynomial domain, we can perform efficient computations and leverage algebraic techniques to verify the correctness of the circuit globally.

4. Step-by-Step Example

Let’s illustrate the arithmetization process with an example.



  • We have n=2n = 2 gates.

Witness values:

  • wL=(2,3)w_L = (2, 3)
  • wR=(4,5)w_R = (4, 5)
  • wO=(8,15)w_O = (8, 15)

Selector values:

  • qM=(1,1)q_M = (1, 1) (enabling multiplication)
  • qO=(1,1)q_O = (-1, -1) (moving wOw_O to the left-hand side)
  • qL=qR=qC=(0,0)q_L = q_R = q_C = (0, 0)

Our goal is to verify that wLwRwO=0w_L \cdot w_R - w_O = 0 at each gate.

Step 1: Verify Gate Equations at Evaluation Points

For each gate (i=0i = 0 and i=1i = 1), we check:

qM[i]wL[i]wR[i]+qO[i]wO[i]=0q_M[i] \cdot w_L[i] \cdot w_R[i] + q_O[i] \cdot w_O[i] = 0
  • At i=0i = 0:

    124+(1)8=88=01 \cdot 2 \cdot 4 + (-1) \cdot 8 = 8 - 8 = 0
  • At i=1i = 1:

    135+(1)15=1515=01 \cdot 3 \cdot 5 + (-1) \cdot 15 = 15 - 15 = 0

The gate equations hold at both points.

Step 2: Construct Lagrange Basis Polynomials

For n=2n = 2, with evaluation points x0=0x_0 = 0 and x1=1x_1 = 1:

  • L0(X)=Xx1x0x1=X101=1XL_0(X) = \frac{X - x_1}{x_0 - x_1} = \frac{X - 1}{0 - 1} = 1 - X
  • L1(X)=Xx0x1x0=X010=XL_1(X) = \frac{X - x_0}{x_1 - x_0} = \frac{X - 0}{1 - 0} = X

Step 3: Interpolate Witness and Selector Polynomials

Witness Polynomials:

  • wL(X)=2L0(X)+3L1(X)=2(1X)+3X=22X+3X=2+Xw_L(X) = 2 \cdot L_0(X) + 3 \cdot L_1(X) = 2(1 - X) + 3X = 2 - 2X + 3X = 2 + X
  • wR(X)=4L0(X)+5L1(X)=4(1X)+5X=44X+5X=4+Xw_R(X) = 4 \cdot L_0(X) + 5 \cdot L_1(X) = 4(1 - X) + 5X = 4 - 4X + 5X = 4 + X
  • wO(X)=8L0(X)+15L1(X)=8(1X)+15X=88X+15X=8+7Xw_O(X) = 8 \cdot L_0(X) + 15 \cdot L_1(X) = 8(1 - X) + 15X = 8 - 8X + 15X = 8 + 7X

Selector Polynomials:

  • qM(X)=1L0(X)+1L1(X)=1(1X)+X=1q_M(X) = 1 \cdot L_0(X) + 1 \cdot L_1(X) = 1(1 - X) + X = 1
  • qO(X)=(1)L0(X)+(1)L1(X)=1(1X)X=1+XX=1q_O(X) = (-1) \cdot L_0(X) + (-1) \cdot L_1(X) = -1(1 - X) - X = -1 + X - X = -1
  • qL(X)=qR(X)=qC(X)=0q_L(X) = q_R(X) = q_C(X) = 0

Step 4: Formulate the Polynomial Gate Equation

Substitute the polynomials into the gate equation:

qM(X)wL(X)wR(X)+qO(X)wO(X)0modZH(X)q_M(X) \cdot w_L(X) \cdot w_R(X) + q_O(X) \cdot w_O(X) \equiv 0 \mod Z_H(X)


(1)(2+X)(4+X)+(1)(8+7X)0modZH(X)(1) \cdot (2 + X) \cdot (4 + X) + (-1) \cdot (8 + 7X) \equiv 0 \mod Z_H(X)

Compute the product wL(X)wR(X)w_L(X) \cdot w_R(X):

(2+X)(4+X)=8+6X+X2(2 + X)(4 + X) = 8 + 6X + X^2

Compute the left-hand side polynomial:

[8+6X+X2][8+7X]=(6X7X)+X2=X+X2[8 + 6X + X^2] - [8 + 7X] = (6X - 7X) + X^2 = -X + X^2

So, the left-hand side polynomial is:

X2XX^2 - X

Step 5: Compute the Vanishing Polynomial ZH(X)Z_H(X)

For H={0,1}H = \{0, 1\}:

ZH(X)=(X0)(X1)=X2XZ_H(X) = (X - 0)(X - 1) = X^2 - X

Step 6: Verify the Congruence Modulo ZH(X)Z_H(X)

We have:

X2X0modX2XX^2 - X \equiv 0 \mod X^2 - X

Since X2X0=X2XX^2 - X - 0 = X^2 - X, the left-hand side polynomial is exactly ZH(X)Z_H(X), so the congruence holds.

This confirms that the polynomial gate equation holds modulo the vanishing polynomial.

By correctly formulating the gate equation and including all relevant selector polynomials, the arithmetization process accurately captures the computational constraints. The polynomial congruence modulo the vanishing polynomial ensures that the gate equations hold at all points in HH.


In this deep dive, we’ve explored the core components of the PLONK proof system used in Mina by examining the Lagrange basis, polynomial representation, and arithmetization process. We discussed how the Lagrange basis allows interpolation of polynomials through given data points, transforming vectors into polynomials.

The arithmetization section provided a mathematical framework for encoding computational constraints into polynomial equations. We examined how selector vectors and unified multiplication/addition gates are used to formulate these constraints, ensuring they hold modulo the vanishing polynomial.

With a solid understanding of these foundational concepts, we are now prepared to explore more advanced components of PLONK and Kimchi, specifically lookups and customizable gates.
